In the world of Fad diets and restrictive diets what if you had a diet which does not restrict you from what not to eat? Instead permits you to have all types of food without classifying it as “Good” or “Bad”. Intuitive eating is an eating style which encourages you to consume food based on your body signals such as food carving, fullness etc. Its the opposite of dieting, it lets you trust your satiety cues to make your choice of food. Rather than entrusting a dietitian to make food choices for you, this framework believes that you are the best person to make that choice, after all, no one in the world can understand you better than yourself. As it is the case with all diets, this may not be for everyone, people with blood pressure, and diabetes may consult with their doctor before trying out this framework. 


Intuitive eating does not advice weight control and helps to find satisfaction in your eating. This programme was put forward by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in their famous book “Intuitive Eating”. It Put forwards 10 principles

1.      Reject the Diet Mentality

2.      Honour Your Hunger

3.      Make Peace with Food

4.      Challenge the Food Police

5.      Respect Your Fullness

6.      Discover the Satisfaction Factor

7.      Honour Your Feelings without Using Food

8.      Respect Your Body

9.      Exercise—Feel the Difference

10.   Honour Your Health with Gentle Nutrition
